Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2015, 67(2): 69 - 78

Zwierzęcy Staphylococcus felis o potencjale zakażania skóry człowieka
[Animal Staphylococcus felis with the potential to infect human skin]

Anna Kwaszewska, Paweł Lisiecki, Magdalena Szemraj, Eligia Maria Szewczyk


Przełamywanie przez drobnoustroje bariery międzygatunkowej stało się w ostatnich latach niepokojącym zjawiskiem stanowiącym poważne zagrożenie dla zdrowia publicznego. Zbadano cechy szczepu Staphylococcus felis ZMF 13 izolowanego z rany od kota, związanych z jego potencjalną chorobotwórczością dla ludzi. Wykazano, że S. felis dysponuje szeregiem czynników, które potencjalnie mogą mieć znaczenie w przełamywaniu bariery międzygatunkowej.


Introduction: Breaking interspecies barrier by microorganisms has become in the recent years an alarming phenomenon that threatens public health worldwide. An important potential interspecies transmission risk factor is close contact animal-human including occupational exposure of pet breeders and veterinarians. Material and Methods: The features of Staphylococcus felis ZMF13 strain isolated from a swab from a cat’s wound connected with potential pathogenicity were investigated. Results: The virulence factors of strain found were hydroxamate siderophores, production of invasins - intracellular proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes and the ability of biofilm production. The ability of bacteriocin-like substance production was also observed. The substance has an antagonistic activity against bacteria belong to physiological flora of the human skin which may be important in breaking the colonization resistance of human organism. Although the strain of S. felis ZMF 13 was methicillin-susceptible it demonstrated the constutive type of MLSB resistance mechanism. The genes ermA, msrB, linA connected with macrolide, lincosamides and streptogramin B resistance were detected. Conclusions: The current evidence suggest that Staphylococcus felis has a number of features that can be crucial in its potential interspecies transmission.

Liczba pobrań: 3916