Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2017, 69(1): 5-13

Zakażenia gronkowcowe w Podhalańskim Szpitalu Specjalistycznym im. Jana Pawła II w Nowym Targu w latach 2001-2004 - analiza antybiotykoporności
[Staphylococcus infection in a multi-profile hospital in Nowy Targ, Poland, in the years 2001-2004 - analysis of antibiotic resistance]

Wioletta Waksmańska, Andrzej Wiczkowski, Rafał Bobiński, Anna Ślemp-Migiel


Istotnym problemem jest leczenie infekcji wywołanych metycylinoopornymi szczepami z rodzaju Staphylococcus u szpitalnych pacjentów. Celem pracy była analiza częstości występowania zakażeń gronkowcowych w wieloprofilowym szpitalu w Nowym Targu, ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na występowanie antybiotykooporności wśród szczepów S. aureus i oraz innych gronkowców opornych na metycylinę.


Introduction: Global concern is the treatment of infections caused by methicillin-resistant strains of genus Staphylococcus. The aim of this study was the analysis of the staphylococcal infections’ incidence in a multi-profile hospital in Nowy Targ, Poland, in the years 2001- 2004 with a focus on the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance among isolated strains of S. aureus and methicillin-resistant staphylococci.

Material and method: The study was based on the results of bacteriological tests performed in the hospital bacteriological laboratory. The study included patients treated in years 2001-2004 in cardiology, nephrology, surgery, orthopedics, pediatric, intensive care, gynecology and neonatal ward.

Results: Regardless of the year in which the analysis was performed, S. aureus strains resistant to methicillin were not cultured on the neonatal ward and gynecology ward. On the other side, methicillin-sensitive strains were cultured on all of the hospital`s wards. A very high sensitivity (virtually 100%) of staphylococcus to vancomycin and teicoplanin and a high sensitivity (87-93%) to chloramphenicol was found. This study showed that the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus strains were the least sensitive to tetracycline.

Conclusions: 1. The highest sensitivity of Staphylococcus was reported to glycopeptides and the lowest to tetracycline. 2. Most of the Staphylococcus strains were cultured in the cardiology department and the least of the strains in the department of gynecology. 3. It is advisable to check whether the frequency of Staphylococcus culture’s occurrence has decreased after implementation of the WHO recommendations.

Keywords: bacterial biofilms, carriage, drug resistance, Staphylococcus aureus

Liczba pobrań: 1022