Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2013, 65(1): 65-70

Wpływ fluorowania kontaktowego materiału szkło-jonomerowego Ketac Molar Aplicap na wzrost bakterii płytki nazębnej
[The effects of topical fluoridation of Ketac Molar Aplicap glass-ionomer material on the growth of cariogenic bacteria contained in the dental plaque]

M. Płuciennik-Stronias, B. Zarzycka, E. Bołtacz-Rzepkowska


Badano wpływ materiału szkło-jonomerowego Ketac Molar Aplicap na wzrost bakterii próchnicotwórczych płytki nazębnej. Oceny dokonano po sześciu miesiącach od wypełnienia ubytków przyszyjkowych, po fluoryzacji kontaktowej wypełnień preparatem Fluormex w żelu. Stwierdzono, że dodatkowe wcieranie fluorku w powierzchnię cementu szkło-jonomerowego nie wpływa na liczebność bakterii Lactobacillus sp. w płytce nazębnej.


Introduction: Dental caries is a bacterial disease. The most important element used in caries prevention is fluoride, which is derived from the air, diet or fluoride-containing preparations and materials, e.g. glass-ionomer restorations. Modern fluoride-containing restorative materials are capable of releasing fluoride to the environment. Fluoride can be also accumulated in glass-ionomer cements, thus an attempt was made to saturate these materials with fluoride. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of topical fluoridation of Ketac Molar Aplicap glass-ionomer cement on the growth of Lactobacillus spp. in the dental plaque. Methods: The study was carried out in 15 patients with good oral hygiene, in whom 35 fillings with conventional glass-ionomer material, Ketac Molar Aplicap, were performed. After 6 months, three-day dental plaque from these fillings was examined. Next, fluoride was rubbed on the glass-ionomer surface and the examination of three-day dental plaque was repeated. Results: No statistically significant differences (p=0.143) in the amounts of Lactobacillus spp. in the plaque collected prior to and after topical fluoridation were revealed. Conclusions: Fluoride rubbed in the conventional glass-ionomer cement, Ketac Molar Aplicap, did not affect the amount of Lactobacillus spp. in the dental plaque growing on this material.

Liczba pobrań: 1754