Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2010, 62(3): 211-219

Typowanie szczepów Pseudomonas aeruginosa opornych na karbapenemy techniką PCR-RAPD
[PCR-RAPD typing of carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains]

T. Bogiel, E. Gospodarek


W związku ze znacznym wzrostem w 2007 roku liczby izolacji szczepów Pseudomonas aeruginosa opornych na karbapenemy, przeprowadzono genotypowanie techniką PCR-RAPD 16 wybranych izolatów z materiału od chorych leczonych w Szpitalu Uniwersyteckim nr 1 im. dr. A. Jurasza w Bydgoszczy. W roku objętym badaniem od 78 chorych izolowano 125 szczepów P. aeruginosa o fenotypie oporności na imipenem i meropenem. Wykazano, że wszystkie badane szczepy były odmienne, dowodząc przydatności techniki PCR-RAPD w typowaniu szczepów pałeczek ropy błękitnej.


P. aeruginosa rods are opportunistic pathogens responsible generally for nosocomial infections.
Resistance to carbapenems, observed among them, is a serious threat due to ability to be transmitted
between bacterial species. The aim of our study was to evaluate the usefulness of PCR-RAPD technique in typing of 16 carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa strains isolated in 2007 from different patients of University Hospital No. 1 of dr A. Jurasz Collegium Medicum of L. Rydygier in Bydgoszcz Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Study shows increasing frequency of isolation that type
of strains when compared to 2006. Percentage of carbapenem-resistant isolates raised from 12,4% in
2006 to 22,9% in 2007. The majority of examined strains were obtained from patients of the Intensive Care Units (25,0%) and were isolated from bronchoalveolar lavage (25,0%), urine (25,0%) and wound swabs (18,8%) samples. Examined P. aeruginosa strains demonstrated resistance to doripenem (81,3%) and piperacillin (75,0%) and susceptibility to colistin (100,0%), amikacin (81,3%), netilmicin and norfloxacin (75,0% each). Using PCR-RAPD amplification with 208 and 272 primers, 14 and 16 DNA patterns were obtained, respectively. Usefulness of PCR-RAPD in carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa strains typing was proved in case of strains presenting similar and/or different antimicrobials susceptibility patterns.

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