Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2019, 71(2-4): 119-126

Referencyjny test inaktywacji wirusów jako narzędzie weryfikacyjne wykonania badania aktywności wirusobójczej środków dezynfekcyjnych
[Reference test for virus inactivation as a verification tool of testising virucidal activity of disinfectants]

A. Trzcińska, A. Częścik, B. Łagosz

Precyzyjne określenie parametrów aktywności wirusobójczej środka dezynfekcyjnego wiąże się z zastosowaniem dobrze zaprojektowanej, prawidłowej metodyki oznaczeń. Jednym z istotnych etapów procesu badania jest weryfikacja działania systemu badania, a tym samym potwierdzenie ważności uzyskanych wyników.

Introduction: The precise determination of the parameters of virucidal activity of the disinfectant is related to the application of a well-designed, correct methodology of testing.
One of the important stage of the testing process is verification of methodology, and thus confirmation of the validity of the obtained results.
Methods: Verification of the methodology in the procedure for testing the virucidal activity of the products (including the reference test for virus inactivation) described in the standard PN-EN 14476:2013+A1:2015 were used.
Results: The virus models used to test the virucidal activity of disinfectants were characterized by adequate stability and height of the infectious titer. Reduction of infectious virus titers after incubation with glutaraldehyde in the case of adeno virus in all 41 analyzed reference tests was within the ranges required by the standard for contact times of 30 and 60 minutes. In the case of polio virus in one of the 40 reference tests (2.5%) obtained a reduction in infectious titer higher by 0.12 log than this one given in the standard.
Conclusions: The presented results of the reference test for virus inactivation performed for different viral models showed that the system of testing the virucidal activity of disinfectants is working properly, and the obtained results, in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN 14476, can be considered valid.

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