Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2017, 69(2): 143-161

Przeciwdrobnoustrojowe właściwości 5-funkcjonalizowanych pochodnych imidazolu
[Antimicrobial properties of 5-functionalized imidazole derivatives]

Veronika Świżak, Światosław Dejneka1, Vitali Chornous, Vitali Świżak, Alexander Azarov


Przeprowadzono porównanie przeciwdrobnoustrojowej aktywności 6 różnych grup imidazoli posiadających różne grupy funkcyjne w pozycji C-5. Aktywność przeciwdrobnoustrojową badano wobec wybranych bakterii Gram-dodatnich i Gram-ujemnych oraz grzybów drożdżopodobnych. Badania umożliwiły wybranie grup imidazoli o najwyższej aktywności wobec badanych drobnoustrojów i przedstawienie zaleceń dotyczących syntezy nowych przeciwdrobnoustrojowych związków chemicznych.


Introduction: Resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics is a threat for human health all over the world and is a global issue. New antibiotics are essential for the fight against medical resistance of pathogenic microorganisms. In spite of the fact that certain promising antibacterial agents are now on the development stage, there is an sharp need of new antibiotic compounds, especially effective against multiple medical resistance of microorganisms. Imidazole derivatives are extremely promising group of chemical compounds to find new antibiotics. They can be considered as one of the major classes of biologically active compounds with a wide spectrum of action.

Methods: 75 new synthesized compounds were selected to compare their antimicrobial properties. These compounds belong to six different groups 5-carbofunctionalized imidazoles. Antimicrobial properties of imidazole derivatives were studied in vitro by means of two-fold serial dilution method in liquid nutrient medium. Minimal inhibitory concentration and minimal bactericidal or yeasticidal concentrations of chemical compounds were detected concerning reference-strains of Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus АТСС 25923), Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli АТСС 25922), and simply yeast (Candida albiсans АТСС 885-653).

Results: 5-carbofunctionalized imidazoles manifest their antimicrobial activity concerning Gram positive bacteria (S. aureus АТСС 25923), Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli АТСС 25922), and simply yeast (C. albiсans АТСС 885-653) which enable to consider them as chemical compounds with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. At the same time their anticandidiasis activity is higher than that of antibacterial action. For example, average values of minimal inhibitory concentrations of all the six groups of the compounds examined concerning the reference-strain C. albicans АТСС 885-653 were 90,92±32,04 μg/mL, while their average values of minimal inhibitory concentrations were 139,20±29,71μg/mL concerning E. coli АТСС 25922 and 143,45±27,60 μg/mL concerning S. aureus АТСС 25923. Similar regularities were found for yeasticidal and bactericidal concentrations of the examined 5-carbofunctionalized imidazoles – their average values were 167,14±46,33, 279,73±42,57 and 284,66±41,26 μg/mL respectively. Antimicrobial activity of 5-carbofunctionalized imidazoles depends on their chemical structure.

Conclusions: Comparison of antimicrobial activity of different six groups of 5-carbofunctionalized imidazoles enabled to select their most promising representatives and substantiate recommendations concerning the following synthesis of new antimicrobial chemical compounds.

Key words: 5-carbonfunctional imidazole, antimicrobial properties, antibacterial activity, anticandidiasis activity.

Liczba pobrań: 746