Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2016, 2(68): 127-134

Identyfikacja grzybów drożdżopodobnych izolowanych z dróg rodnych kobiet z wykorzystaniem spektrometrii mas typu MALDI-TOF
[Identification of yeasts isolated from the genital tract of women by mass spectrometry MALDI-TOF]

Anna Kawalec, Anna Białecka, Andrzej Kasprowicz, Wiesław Barabasz

Poddano identyfikacji 484 szczepy grzybów drożdżopodobnych wyizolowanych w 2015 roku z dróg rodnych pacjentek w wieku rozrodczym, u których zlecono diagnostykę mikologiczną w laboratorium Centrum Badań Mikrobiologicznych i Autoszczepionek im. Jana Bobra w Krakowie (CBMiA). Identyfikację szczepów wykonano techniką spektrometrii masowej typu MALDI – TOF (z użyciem desorpcji/jonizacji laserowej wspomaganej matrycą z analizatorem

czasu przelotu). Wszystkie badane szczepy na podstawie analizy białek rybosomalnych zostały prawidłowo zidentyfikowane na poziomie gatunku.ABSTRACT



Introduction: A fungal infection of vagina is one of the most common gynecological problems of women of childbearing age. There has been a gradual increase in yeastlike fungi which are problematic to identify. There is thus a need for searching new identification methods, which would allow for fast recognition and selection of the proper course of treatment. The aim of study was to evaluate the usefulness of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry technique in the diagnosis of pathogenic yeast-like fungi isolated from the genital tract of women.

Methods: There were identified 484 yeast-like fungi strains isolated from the genital tract of patients treated at Centrum Badań Mikrobiologicznych i Autoszczepionek im. Jana Bobra in Cracow (CBMiA) in the age group 20 - 50. The material was analyzed using streak plating on the culture medium: Sabouraud agar (CBMiA) and chromogenic media chromID Candida (bioMérieux). The strains were identified using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer (MALDI Biotyper MicroflexTM Series, Bruker Daltonics, Germany) operating as IVD (In Vitro Diagnostic). The procedure of proteins extraction with the use of ethanol and formic acid was used.

Results: All 484 yeast-like fungi strains isolated from the genital tract of women were correctly identified to the species level.

Conclusions: MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry method may be successfully used for routine identification of yeast-like fungi and in particular the strains of non-albicans Candida, which have a lower susceptibility to antifungal agents.

Liczba pobrań: 1850