Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2010, 62(4): 297-302

Genetyczne podobieństwo opornych na wankomycynę szczepów Enterococcus faecium izolowanych z materiału klinicznego
[Genetic similarity of vancomycin resistant strains of Enterococcus faecium isolated from clinical specimens]

A. Młynarczyk, W. Grzybowska, A. Mrówka, S. Tyski, G. Młynarczyk


Badano występowanie genów vanA, vanB, vanD, vanE i vanG metodą PCR u wankomycyno-opornych szczepów Enterococcus faecium izolowanych z materiału klinicznego pochodzącego z wybranych oddziałów Szpitala Dzieciątka Jezus w Warszawie oraz ustalono podobieństwo szczepów metodą analizy polimorfizmu restrykcyjnych fragmentów genomowego DNA za pomocą (RFLP) - PFGE


Twenty vancomycin resistant E.faecium strains (VRE) isolated from patients of three different hospital wards in 2005 – 2008 were examined. The strains originated from patients of intensive therapy, urological and internistic wards. The chosen wards differ significantly in their specificity. In all cases the presence of o vanA and lack of vanB, vanD, vanE and vanG genes and were found.
Strains were compared by using RFLP-PFGE, the reference method for molecular typing of VRE. One group including fourteen strains showing similarity higher than 79.5% was distinguished. This group was divided into subgroups. The greatest similarity was found among strains from patients of intensive therapy ward. Two subgroups of strains showing similarity more than 93.3%, of four strains
each were identified. The similarity between these two subgroups was 79.5%. Most strains from other two wards showed less than 79.5% similarity and they could be recognised as not related. Only one strain from internal ward and two strains from urologic ward were similar in 82.1 – 86.4% to one of subgroups of strains originated from intensive therapy.

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