Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2011, 63(4): 349 - 354

Ekspresja receptorów Toll-like na komórkach chłoniaka Burkitta
[Toll-like receptors expression on Burkitt lymphoma cells]

J. Siennicka, A. Trzcińska, A. Częścik, M. Dunal


Przedstawiono charakterystykę linii komórkowych wyprowadzonych z chłoniaka Burkitta (Raji, P3HR-1 i Namalwa) dotyczącą ekspresji receptorów Toll-like (TLR 2, TLR3, TLR 4) na poziomie mRNA.


Toll like receptors (TLRs) are an important component of the immune response. They are link between innate and adaptative response. Lymphocytes B express most of the toll-like receptors and they may respond to a broad spectrum of PAMP. Lymphocytes B are one of the major lymphocyte populations in secondary lymphoid tissues, where they represent up to 50% of cells population. These cells are an important element of the defense, largely by using the mechanisms associated with innate response. On the other hand, lymphocytes B are the site of EBV latency, so Burkitt lymphoma cells can may be a convenient model to study the mechanisms associated with EBV infection. The aim of study was to determine the expression of TLRs at the m-RNA level of in Burkitt lymphoma cells treated with ligands for selected TLRs. P3HR, Raji and Namalwa cells were stimulated with Pam3 (10μg/ml), PolyI:C (25μg/ml), LPS (10μg/ml) and measles virus (MeV, moi 0,02). Unstimulated cells and cells treated with PMA (0,5μg/ml) served as negative and positive controls. After incubation, from stimulated and unstimulated cells mRNA was extracted, RT-PCR reaction was performed and electrophoretic separation was made. The intensity (INT) of bands were determined using the tools for quantitative analysis. In order to analyze the expression of TLR genes, INT values for TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4 in tested cell lines are expressed as %, assuming an average level of GAPDH expression as 100%. The 25% of INT for negative control was accepted as a change in expression level. It was found that the expression of Toll-like receptors in Burkitt lymphoma cells is diverse both in terms of cell type and the type of stimulation. 

Liczba pobrań: 1313