Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2013, 65(1): 1-10

Badania eliminacji nietypowalnych szczepów Haemophilus influenzae na modelu zwierzęcym
[The studies of elimination of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae strains using the animal model of infection]

E. Augustynowicz, M. Zawadka, A. Wiatrzyk, D. Rabczenko, A. Lutyńska


Donosowa immunizacja zwierząt jest skuteczną metodą pobudzenia odpowiedzi odpornościowej na błonach śluzowych i modelem przydatnym do opracowania szczepionki przeciw zapaleniu ucha środkowego wywoływanego szczepami niepoddającymi się typowaniu, określanymi dalej jako nietypowalne szczepy Haemophilus influenzae. W pracy oceniono poziom eliminacji nietypowalnych, charakteryzujących się odmiennymi genetycznymi determinantami zjadliwości, szczepów H. influenzae z nosogardła, płuc i uszu myszy oraz oddziaływania między szczepami podczas zakażeń mieszanych.


Introduction: The intranasal immunization is considered the effective method to induce immunological response in the mucosa and the model useful to develop the vaccine against otitis media due to nontypaeble Haemophilus influenzae infections. In the study, elimination of NTHi strains isolated from healthy and carrier individuals, varying with several genetic determinants, from mice nasopharynx, lungs and ears tissues and the interactions among strains during mixed infections were evaluated. Methods: Mice were infected with single and mixture of NTHi strains previously identified as non or potentially invasive. The curves of infections were drown from the averages of log cfu/mg values obtained for nasopharynx or ears leavages or lungs homogenates coupled with standard deviation at each time point using 5 mice. The significance of the differences was confirmed using ANOVA method. Results: The course of infections induced with a single noninvasive or potentially invasive strains in the mice nasopharynx, ear or lung tissues were not found to differ in respect to the level and duration. Regardless the strain used, higher elimination rates in the ear and lung tissues in comparison with nasopharynx were fund. Different rate of elimination was found in the case of mixture infections where the strain, determined in the previous study as potentially invasive, was dominating. Conclusion: The concurrence model among not-invasive and potentially invasive NTHi strains in the host niche was thus confirmed using in vivo model of infection.

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