Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2012, 64(3): 221-228

Adhezja oraz wytwarzanie śluzu zewnątrzkomórkowego przez dzikie i kliniczne szczepy pałeczek Acinetobacter baumannii
[Adhesion and slime production by wild and clinical strains of Acinetobacter baumannii]

Katarzyna Jachna-Sawicka, Maja Kleszczyńska, Eugenia Gospodarek


Celem pracy była ocena adhezji i wytwarzania śluzu zewnątrzkomórkowe­go przez szczepy Acinetobacter baumannii izolowane z różnych środowisk. Spośród 51 badanych szczepów A. baumannii, z materiału pochodzącego z dolnych dróg oddechowych wyosobniono 14 szczepów, z wymazu z rany 17, a pozostałe 20 szczepów izolowano z próbek gleby. Do polistyrenu ad­herowało 51,0% badanych szczepów, w tym 70,0% szczepów dzikich oraz 38,7% szczepów klinicznych. Wytwarzanie śluzu stwierdzono u 31,4% szczepów, z czego najliczniejszą (42,9%) grupę stanowiły szczepy izolowane z dróg oddechowych. Nie wykazano związku między wytwarzaniem śluzu zewnątrzkomórkowego, a adhezją szczepów do polistyrenu.



Introduction: Adhesion of bacteria to the surface plays a key role in the development of infection, and is the first stage of biofilm formation. The ability of A. baumannii strainsto adhesion and forming biofilms on abiotic surfaces, as well as eucaryotic cells was descri­bed. A. baumannii is also capable of secretion of the exopolysaccharide (EPS) - a substance that allows the binding of bacterial cells to the surface, and with each other. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of biofilm formation and slime production by wild-type and clinical strains of A. baumannii. Methods: We examinated 51 strains of A. baumannii, including 14 isolated from lower respiratory tract, 17 from wound swabs and 20 from the soil. Adhesion to polystyrene was evaluated by modified Christensen methods and slime production by Ishiguro method. Results: Adhesion to polystyrene was observed in 51,0% of strains, including 70,0% of wild-type and 38,7% of clinical strains (64,7% strains from wound swabs and one strain from lower respiratory tract) . Slime production was found in 31,4% of strains, of which the largest (42.9%) group strains were isolated from lower respiratory tract. There was no corre­lation between production of extracellular slime, and the adhesion of strains to polystyrene. Conclusions: Different levels of expression of virulence factors in A. baumannii strains isolated from different origin indicates their importance in the colonisation ecological niches and the development of infections at various sites.

Liczba pobrań: 1717