Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2012, 64(1): 79-85

Wpływ wielokrotnego, cyklicznego zamrażania i rozmrażania próbki surowicy na poziom przeciwciał klasy IgA, IgG i IgM dla wybranych antygenów bakteryjnych
[Effect of multiple freeze-thaw cycles on detection of IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies to selected bacterial antigens]

Waldemar Rastawicki, Karolina Śmietańska, Natalia Rokosz, Marek Jagielski


 Oceniono wpływ wielokrotnego, cyklicznego zamrażania i rozmra­żania próbki surowicy na poziom przeciwciał klasy IgA, IgG i IgM dla antygenów M. pneumoniae, Yersinia enterocolitica i Salmonella sp. Uzyska­ne wyniki wykazały, że nawet 30-krotne zamrożenie i rozmrożenie próbki surowicy nie ma istotnego wpływu na poziom przeciwciał dla wybranych

 lipopolisacharydowych i białkowych antygenów bakteryjnych.



 Introduction. In presented study we investigated the effect of multiple freeze-thaw cycles of human sera on the determination of IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies to selected bacterial antigens. Methods. A panel of 15 serum samples with elevated levels of antibodies to Mycoplasma peumoniae, Yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella spp. were used (5 positive sera for each pathogen). One set of aliquots designed as the baseline, was taken and stored at 4-8o C for the remainder for the study. The remaining seven sets of aliquots were divided into two parts and repeatedly frozen respectively at two different temperatures: -65oC and -25oC. Once a day the aliquot sets were removed from the freezer and allowed to stand at room temperature for approximately 1 h until completely thawed. For the determination of the level of antibodies the sera after: 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 freeze/cycle were used. The measurement of IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies was done using a home-made ELISA with four different antigens: whole-cell antigen of M. pneumoniae FH strain, LPS and Yop antigens of Y. enterocolitica serotype O:3 and LPS extracted by Westphal method from Salmonella serogroup B +D. The results were presented as the arithmetic mean of the antibody titre in five sera which were treated by the same number of freeze-thaw cycles Results. There was no significant statistic difference between levels of antibodies in un­frozen and frozen sera even after 30 freeze-thaw cycles. Depending of the antigen used in ELISA a slight varations in the level of antibodies were observed but the changes were small and not clinically significant. Examination of the ELISA values does not suggest any consistent nonlinear trend in levels of IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies in sera frozen at -65o C as well at -25o C. Conclusions. Our study demonstrates that the IgA, IgG and IgM antibody activity levels measured for M. pneumoniae, Y. enterocolitica and Salmonella antigens are stable even after 30 freeze-thaw cycles.


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