Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2019, 71(1): 5-12

Salmonelloza u dzieci hospitalizowanych w Szpitalu Pediatrycznym w Bielsku - Białej w latach 2014 - 2015
[Salmonellosis among children hospitalized in Pediatric Hospital in Bielsko-Biała, Poland, in the years 2014-2015]

Wioletta Pollok-Waksmańska, Krystyna Słowiaczek, Danuta Wijas


Zakażenia wywoływane pałeczkami z rodzaju Salmonella są poważną przyczyną nieżytu żołądkowo-jelitowego u dzieci. Prewencja poprzez odpowiednią higienę, w celu zminimalizowania ryzyka potencjalnej ekspozycji, jest kluczowa w zmniejszeniu liczby zachorowań. Celem pracy była analiza częstości występowania salmonellozy u dzieci w Szpitalu Pediatrycznym w Bielsku-Białej z uwzględnieniem serotypów pałeczek Salmonella, objawów przy przyjęciu oraz zmiany masy ciała dzieci podczas pobytu w szpitalu.


Introduction: Salmonella is a serious cause of gastroenteritis in children. Prevention through proper hygiene to minimize potential exposure is a key factor decreasing the number of morbidity. The aim of this study was the analysis of Salmonellosis incidence rate among children hospitalized in Pediatric Hospital in Bielsko-Biała, Poland, in the years 2014-2015 having regard to Salmonella’s serotype, symptoms at admission to hospital and changes of body weight during hospital stay.
Methods: The study was conducted on 79 children with Salmonellosis treated in years 2014-2015 in Pediatric Hospital in Bielsko-Biała, Poland. It was based on retrospective analysis of data from children’s medical history.
Results: In all age groups the most common serotype was Salmonella Entertidis. Analysis of children’s clinical symptoms at admission to hospital showed that all children, both male and female, had abdominal pains before defecation. The major symptoms included also diarrhea with blood and fever. Among half of observed group emesis were observed. The analysis of body weight at the hospital admission and discharge demonstrated that in majority of children the body weight increased during their stay in the hospital – the weight gain occurred in 68,8% of male and in 48,4% of female children.
Conclusions: The cases of Salmonella appeared comparatively often in children at the age of 0-2 years old and 3-5 years old. The most commonly isolated serotype of Salmonella was Salmonella Entertidis. In all age groups the most common symptoms were abdominal pain before defecation and diarrhea with blood. Due to high diarrhea prevalence it is advisable to introduce the education directed both to children and parents.

Liczba pobrań: 1272